Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 30 Sept 2 2014 Twillingate NFLD

Day 30    Sept 2 2014     Twillingate NFLD

The whale watching tour turned out to be a no whales to be seen coastal tour.  Apparently the best time to see the whales is during the early part of July.  In the afternoon we went to the fishing museum in Twillingate, the highlight of the museum was looking in the ocean at all of the jelly fish, fish and crabs.  The plan for the rest of the day was to hike some local trails.  The hike turned into a feeding frenzy of blue berries and raspberries.  There were and incredible number of blueberries along the path we were walking.  We would walk a few steps and then stop for a handful of berries.  Even though there was no lack of berries, the kids had to fight for the same ones.  We stopped at Auk Island Winery and purchased 7 small bottles of wine that I thought that Evy would share with me.  After looking at the picture of her with the bottles I am not so sure there will be much sharing. 

1 comment:

  1. Esta excelente tu pgina Sam Gracias asi puedo verlos y saber donde y como estan.
    los extrañamos
