Saturday, September 6, 2014

Day 31 Sept 3 2014 Trinity NFLD

Day 31   Sept 3 2014     Trinity NFLD

We drove from Twillingate to Trinity with a stop in Gander to shop at Walmart.  Isabel had lost another pair of earring and needed some new ones.  We arrived at the camp ground to find that it was the worst site I have ever had to get into.  I had to back in from the road to the site as there was not enough room to turn around in the camp ground.  Once we were set up we went to see the light house at Fort Point.  The area where the light house used to be was an old English Fort that was capture or taken over by the French in mid 1700’s.  There were some old foundations of building and some recovered cannons that were destroyed by the French when they left the fort.

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