Saturday, September 6, 2014

Day 32 Sept 4 2014 Tors Cove NFLD

Day 32    Sept 4 2014     Tors Cove NFLD

We were on our way to Bonavista by 8 AM today.  The first stop was at the Cape Bonavista lighthouse where there is a monument to John Cabot.  We also saw puffins flying around a rock just off shore. The second stop was at the Dungeon Provincial Park which has a “blow hole or Gloup”.  The third stop was at museum dedicated to Cabot. The museum contains a replica of the Matthew which was the that John Cabot sailed to NFLD on.  It must have been an incredibly tough life for the sailors on those ships.  Comfort was not in the design of them.  The rest of the day was driving from Bonavista to our new camp ground at Tors Cove.  We have a beautiful view of the ocean from our kitchen table and no neighbors on the ocean side so we do not have to close the curtains at night.

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