Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 86 Oct 28 2014 Quito Ecuador

parents and kids on different sides of the world

Intinan Museum

balancing an egg on the equator

Mitad del Mundo as per the French in 1739

Day 86    Oct 28 2014   Quito Ecuador

We got up late and got out of the apartment at 11AM.  We took a taxi to La Mitad del Mundo where we took lots of pictures of the monument and toured the museum inside the monument.  The monument is located at the location established by the French as 0deg 0min 0sec in the year 1739.  The actual 0deg 0min 0sec as calculated by GPS is located at the museum next door called Intinan which was our next stop of the day.  There we were treated to an explanation of sun dials, balancing a egg at the equator and the coriolis effect as well as some of the history of the area.  We are starting to adjust to the altitude and do not feel as short of breath.

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