Saturday, June 6, 2015

Day 292 May 24 2015 Port St. Johns South Africa

a cool swing behind our hotel

another rough day at the office

marshmallow crusaders

the marshmallow won this round!

Day 292  May 24 2015  Port St. Johns  South Africa

We drove from Margate to Port St. Johns today, a distance of 235 km that took almost 4 hours to drive.  There are many things that you have to be aware of when traveling in South Africa including terrible drivers, goats, cows, donkeys, slow cars, pot holes that will swallow you car and if I did not mention it terrible drivers.  It is not uncommon to come upon cars doing 40 km/ hr on a 120 km/hr road.  Evy is sick today and not moving to fast.  She woke up last night and started vomiting; we have no idea as to what the cause is.   The hotel we booked is isolated, and on top of a very steep hill.   It was a good thing we rented a vehicle with 4 x 4 or we would be parking at the bottom and walking up.  It does have a great view of a beach and the ocean and we can hear the waves crashing into the shore.  David lost a tooth when he was eating a marshmallow.  I guess the marshmallows are tougher in South Africa.

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