Sunday, November 16, 2014

Day 102 Nov 13 2014 Los Organos Peru

Beach in Los Organos Peru

Day 102  Nov 13 2014  Los Organos Peru

We started the day with the kids playing in the pool and Evy and I planning the next step of the trip.  We booked a flight from Piura to Cusco Peru, we had considered taking the bus but it would have been a 38 hour ride and the cost was comparable to the plane.   In the afternoon we went for a long walk on the beach with the kids stopping to jump in the waves.  On the walk we saw the corpses of 7 southern sea lions.  It turns out that the fishermen kill them to stop them from eating the fish and also wrecking the nets. It is a shame to see such a large animal killed for such a bad reason.  The kids enjoyed the pool when we got back to the hotel.

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