Thursday, November 6, 2014

Day 93 Nov 4 2014 Puerto Lopez

A really cool tree to climb

Getting into the sulfur spring in Agua Blanca

Day 93  Nov 4 2014   Puerto Lopez

Agua Blanca was where we went touring today.  It consists of a historical site dating a few thousand years BC.  The guide gave us a tour of the museum and the burial area where 3 urns were exposed. That was followed by a walk through the forest where he explained the uses of some of the local trees and plants.  We walked past a river where a bunch of women were washing clothes in the river.  The walk ended at a sulfur water spring in which the kids and I went swimming.  The smell of sulfur in the water was quite strong and there were some people rubbing the mud from the bottom of the spring on their faces as it is supposed to have medicinal properties.  The kids climbed a tree and saw a termite nest.  Both David and Isabel decided to eat the little black termites that were crawling in the tree.   The termites were not termites but black ants and I don’t know how many they ate but I guess they must taste ok.  This day was finished off with a visit to the game room in the hotel where I kicked everybody butt at pool and ping pong.

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