Sunday, November 2, 2014

Day 91 Nov 2 2014 Quito Ecuador

Plaza Foch Quito Ecuador

Day 91  Nov 2 2014  Quito Ecuador

We were happy to leave the hotel in Banos this morning and boarded a bus for Quito at 10:20 am.  When we arrived in Quito we took a taxi to the hotel dropped our luggage off in the room and went out to eat.  After supper we went for a walk to Plaza Foch which is an area full of restaurant and had lots of activity in the area the first time we were there. It was dead with 90% of the businesses closed for the Sunday of the long weekend.  It was not what I expected coming from Canada where that is not the norm.  We finished the day with the kids doing a few hours of school work. 

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