Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 154 Jan 5 2015 Candidasa Bali Indonisia

overlooking Kintamani Volcano

Crater Lake Batur in the background
Sunset in front of Catra apartment in Candidasa

David's personal mosquito protection a tokay gecko

Day 154  Jan 5 2015    Candidasa Bali Indonisia

This is our last full day in Bali and it has been thoroughly enjoyable, the majority of the food has been excellent the apartment we rented quiet and comfortable and the people very friendly.  Even the sandwich that we suspect made Evy sick was described as heavenly after her first bite.  We felt safe going for a walk at night, not something that we would do in most of the other countries that we have visited to date.   For our last day we decided to go for a ride to the Kintamani Volcano and Lake Batur which is supposed to be one of the places to see in Bali.  I thought the view was nice but definitely not one of the places I would return to.  Just to get into the village cost $9 with the restaurant we ate at being one of the most expensive we have eaten at in Bali with the poorest quality of cooking.  It would have cost $50 to enter the hot springs so we skipped them.  I have come to the conclusion that anyone that home schools their kids when there are perfectly good schools available to them must be crazy.  I know that tying to teach my kids is driving me crazy and I no longer think that I am smarter than a 5th grader.

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