Sunday, January 11, 2015

Day 156 Jan 7 2015 Langkawi Malaysia

closest we want to get to snow this year

a beautiful family picture 

beach in front of our hotel in Langkawi Malaysia

Eagle Park

Day 156  Jan 7 2015    Langkawi Malaysia

We ate breakfast at a bakery where David started his day with a breakfast of champions, a big slice of oreo cake.  It was so good that Isabel and I got one to share.  After breakfast we spent several hours at Under Water World which was a combination of an aquarium with a nice selection of exotic birds.  The second stop of the day was a mall on the other end of the island when we were done our shopping we decided to walk to Eagle Park which was supposed to be close to the mall.  We were not sure of the direction so I asked a taxi driver which way to walk.  After walking of ½ an hour I again asked someone where the Eagle Park was and he point the direction we were coming from and said long way.   We grabbed a cab and it was indeed a fair distance away in the other direction.  On the way back to the hotel the taxi driver pointed out what was supposed to be a famous seafood restaurant.  We decided to go there for supper and it was very good.

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