Sunday, January 18, 2015

Day 167 Jan 18 2015 Similan Islands on Choke Duang Ta Thailand

on our way to the next dive site

looking buff in my skin tight shirt (in my mind anyway)

excited to go snorkeling 

swimming from the boat

almost back in port

Day 167  Jan 18 2015  Similan Islands on Choke Duang Ta   Thailand

We were woken up by the engine starting up during the night.  The captain decided to move the boat as it was getting rough in the bay.  When we woke up were moored in Princess Bay of island # 4, the boat was then moved to a different spot on island # 4 where we were dropped off by dingy close to the shore.  The main boat was moved 400 meters down the shore and we snorkeled along the shore to get to it.  David saw a turtle swimming so he turned to look at it and when he was turning he kicked a different turtle that had come up behind him.  We visited several other sites with some nice coral formations.  The boat left the islands at noon and arrived back in port around 4:30 pm.  On the way I saw a whale breach the surface of the ocean about 300 feet of the side, it was an impressive site.  The trip was fantastic and enjoyed by everyone on board.   Isabel made a new friend; a girl from Spain was also on the trip, so she finally had someone to play with instead of her brother.   When we got back to the hotel we ate supper and booked the next 3 nights of our adventure.  We decided to go to a national park called Khoa Sok which is supposedly an hours’ drive from here.

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