Sunday, January 18, 2015

Day 164 Jan 15 2015 Khoa Lak Thailand

really sour lime juice

walking down a rural road in Khao Lak Thailand

a quiet beach in Thailand

waiting for supper once again

Food tastes better outdoors 

Day 164  Jan 15 2015  Khoa Lak  Thailand

We left Phuket and took a taxi to Poseidon Bungalows in Khoa Lak where we paid for the snorkeling cruise and our hotel for the night we return from the cruise.  We were then given a ride to the Mountain View Bungalows, our hotel just down the road.  It is the first time on the trip that we booked two rooms or in this case two separate bungalows for the night as we could not get a room with two double beds or even a double and a twin.   After we were settled in to the hotel room we went for a walk to the beach approximately 800 meters away.  On the way we passed a couple of elephants that were tied up for the night in the bush along the road.  When we got to the beach it was mostly deserted with only a few people walking on it.   We walked a few hundred meters and discovered a restaurant where we decided to eat supper, the food was very good.  By the time we were done eating it was already dark.  On the way back to our hotel we walked by the Poseidon Bungalows and the kids wanted to jump into the pool so I said ok.  For some reason shone the flashlight into the pool and discovered the water was a disgusting gray color.  I immediately told the kids to get out and have a shower by the pool and that they had to have a proper shower with soap when we got back to our hotel.  I hope they do not get sick from swimming in the pool.  We then walked back to our hotel down a dark jungle road with absolutely no street lighting, where earlier in the day we had seen a large snake slither across the road.   The kids were not as scared as I thought they would be, so it turned out to be a nice walk under a star lit road.  

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