Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day 170 Jan 21 2015 Khao Sok Thailand

start of the night safari

enjoying the forest

Very shortly after taking this pic I got wet ( thanks David)

getting water for coffee

David getting ready to fall into the water

Day 170  Jan 21 2015  Khao Sok  Thailand

We had a slow start to the day,  David and I sat on the chairs on the deck of our tree house and watched the world around us wake up.  We then went and ate a late breakfast and made the kids do school work for a few hours.  We had a night safari booked for 3 pm so we made our way across the river and walked to the meeting point.  We walked into the jungle 4 km where the guide made a supper of squid, chicken, hot chocolate, coffee, thai whiskey and pineapple.   The entire meal was served and cooked using bamboo including the cups and the bamboo tubes used to boil the squid and water for coffee.  After supper, Isabel and David decided to jump from rock to rock. It did not take David very long to miss a jump and fall into the river. Once it got dark we started our walk out of the jungle.  On the way in we saw a green tree viper.  It is scary how something deadly can be so camouflaged that it is possible to look directly at it and not see it.  It took Isabel a minute of looking from 3 feet away to finally figure out where the snake was.  On the way out we saw the eyes of a civet cat about 30 meters up a tree.  The next thing we saw was a banded krait snake.  The guide, David and Evy had all passed by the snake without seeing it 2 feet off the trail.  Isabel was about to pass by when I saw it.  Seeing the snake freaked Isabel out a bit but she got over it quickly and was able to enjoy the rest of the walk.  The next animal we saw was another civet cat walking along a leaning bamboo about 20 meters from us.  The last animal we saw was what I believe was an oriental bay owl that was perched in a tree.  We also saw many spiders, frogs and other insects.  It was a very enjoyable walk.

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