Saturday, August 16, 2014

Day 13 Aug 16 2014 Moncton NB

Day 13             Aug 16 2014    Moncton NB

Today we went to the Magic Mountain water park.  It was cloudy, windy and around 22 deg c.   Evy and I only went on a few slides as it was cold.  We stayed at the water park for approximately 4 hours.  Today was our third feeding of Beaver Tails,  David and I had the standard for us and Isabel and Evy tried a new flavor.  We followed up the activities of the day with a trip to Costco.  They had down pack jackets for men so I got one, I also got a nice wind proof, water resistant jacket for the overseas trip.   When we got back to the campground there were a bunch of kids trick or treating, so we let our kids go and they came back with a big bag of candy.  Now for the highlight of the day--------------------------we did laundry!!!!

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