Sunday, August 24, 2014

Day 21 Aug 24 2014 North Sydney NS

Day 21             Aug 24 2014    North Sydney NS

To start the day we went to Giant MacAskill’s museum in Englishtown, it was not what I was expecting but the kids enjoyed it.  We used the inflatable boat and motor for the first time today.   We went for a ride down what I think is called Little Bras d’Or channel or river.  We put in very close to our camp ground and drove till we got to the ocean at Alders Point about 6 miles later.  We ventured into the ocean a little bit but as soon as we got out of the protection of the land the waves got pretty big.  The kids tried some fishing from the boat and David caught one but nothing worth keeping.  When we got back to the camp ground I was standing by the truck and heard someone call to a child named Vela.  I looked up and there was a friend (Jennifer McCallum) from Kincardine walking with her 2 kids.   Isabel was thrilled to have a friend to play with and we had company for supper.  It is a small world!!!!

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