Sunday, August 31, 2014

Day 26 Aug 29 2014 Portland Creek Pond

Day 26   Aug 29 2014    Portland Creek Pond

The temperature outside when we woke up at 8:55 AM was a balmy 7 deg c.  The electric heater was running on high all night keeping the camper at a very comfortable temperature.   Our first stop of the day was at the Dr. Grenfell Museum in St. Anthony.  He was an amazing man that brought health care and orphanages to northern NFLD in the late 1800 and early 1900.  After we went to Fishing Point Head where Evy saw a whale and we climbed the 476 stairs of the Dare Devil Trail.  Once I made it to the top and my heart slowed to a safe pace the view was amazing.   We finished the day with a 300 km drive from St. Anthony to Mountain Water Resort camp ground.

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