Sunday, August 31, 2014

Day 28 Aug 31 2014 Rocky Harbour NFLD (Gros Morne)

Day 28    Aug 31 2014    Rocky Harbour NFLD (Gros Morne)

We are not in a rush to get going today as it is raining fairly hard.  The forecast is for a substantial amount of rain for the rest of the day.  When we finally left the camper we went to the Bonne Bay Marine Station.  They had a touch pool that Isabel loved.  David was impressed by the fact that the people talked about the fish there as food and “not like in Toronto where the Lions eat grass”.  The second stop of the day was the Gros Morne Wildlife Museum.  The museum consists of mounts of local animals in their habitat.  The displays were very well done.  

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