Friday, August 8, 2014

Day 5 Aug 8 2014 Ottawa

getting ready to launch!

Day 5   Aug 8 2014      Ottawa

Today we went to the Museum of Technology.  It is a museum that is geared toward kids but still interesting for the adults.  We had a picnic lunch at the museum and the kids launched some water rockets with Isabel’s going the highest.  On the way back to the camper we stopped at  Costco and tried to get the propane tank filled only to find out that it was out of date in Dec 2012.  The dealer installed an old expired tank on our camper when we bought it in 2013.   When we were there we bought a couple of down travel jackets for the kids, they even came with some little bags to pack them.  We had a fabulous pizza from Costco for supper and only spent  around $150 instead of the customary $400 or more.  After supper David and Evy went on a “Haunted Walk” and Isabel and I chilled by the pool. 

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