Sunday, August 31, 2014

Day 25 Aug 28 2014 L’anse aux Medows NFLD

Day 25    Aug 28 2014    L’anse aux Medows  NFLD

We made it to the Norse site at L’anse aux Medows today.  I learned how the Vikings made bog iron.   The recreated Viking building was interesting and substantially warmer than I thought it would be inside.  The outside temperature was 10 deg c with quite a bit of wind. There was a very small fire going making it  quite warm inside with surprisingly little smoke.  The little village of L’anse aux Medows is very pretty but very isolated.  We forgot to store our drinking water container after lunch.  When we opened the camper to set up we encountered a broken jug and lots of wet things in the camper. 

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