Monday, August 25, 2014

Day 22 Aug 25 2014 Codroy Nfld.

Day 22             Aug 25 2014    Codroy Nfld.

We took the ferry from North Sydney NS to Channel Port Aux Basque today.  It was a nice calm ride and we saw a big pod of whales.  There were also lots of jelly fish in the water.  When we got to Nfld we drove about 30 km to the Grand Codroy Camp ground in Codroy.  It is a really nice camp ground overlooking a river.  It is also the cheapest camp ground of the trip at $30 per night taxes and firewood included.  Coincidently the free firewood also provided the first camp fire of the trip resulting in us eating a lot of smores.  We were only going to stay one night but will probably stay two.

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