Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day 219 Mar 11 2015 Nong Thale Thailand

entrance to Klang Cave

Klang Cave

Klang Cave

Klang Cave

Klang Cave

Petch Cave
Day 219  Mar 11  2015  Nong Thale Thailand

We walked the main street of the town looking for car rental agencies.  We found a Budget agent; however they only had a big SUV available for much more then we wanted to pay.  We ended up walking back to the condo’s where we are staying and renting a car from the condo manager.  The condo management is also an agent for a local car rental company.  The contract we signed is in English but is horribly written.  It does seem to limit our liability to 6000 THB in the event that we destroy the car but I really hope we don’t have to test that theory.  We took off for a ride with no destination in mind.  We ended up stopping at Klang Cave near the town of Ao Luk.  The guide was good and provided good head lights.  The cave was absolutely fantastic with the greatest variety of formations I have seen in one cave.  The second cave we stopped at was Petch Cave (Tham Pech Cave).  At the cave entrance there was a Buddhist monk taking donations for the cave entrance and flash light usage.  He supplied one flash light for the 4 of us, when I asked about guides he shook his head no.   Off we went into the cave with our one light and no guide.  We did not go very far as we soon determined that it is not very safe for 4 people to walk around in a dark cave with only one light.  We made it to a big “room” that had lots of bats and some interesting formations. After the caves we headed to Ao Nang where we ate at May and Zin restaurant.  The food was as fantastic as the first time we ate there.  After 5 months of not having a  car it was very nice to have one again; however with the traffic and the cheap cost of transportation in most of Asia I would travel exactly as we have been. 

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