Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Day 209 Mar 1 2015 Santander Philippines

enjoying ice cream in Dumaguete

staring contest with a snake

riding around Dumaguete in a tricycle

Mr. Cool enjoying the ride from Negros

ferry from Negros to Cebu

Day 209  Mar 1  2015  Santander Philippines

We went to a 2go travel agency to purchase tickets for the ferry from Cebu to Manila.  The reason we went to the agency was we wanted to make sure that we ended up in the same cabin.  The numbers on the tickets do not indicate to me that we are in the same cabin but the agent assured me they are, we will find out on the 3rd.  The agent did not take credit cards, only cash.  Once we paid the tickets we only had around 1500 php, since there are no ATM close to where we were we were forced to take a trip to Dumaguete on Negros again.  When we got to the ferry terminal we were just in time to see the ferry pulling away from the dock.  The next ferry was an hour wait so we walked to the pump boat only to find out that they were shut down due to the high waves (probably a good thing as they don’t look the safest).  We walked back to the fast craft office and purchased our tickets and waited till the ferry got there.  When people were disembarking Evy saw 5 different people throwing up so we started to get worried about the crossing we were about to undertake.  The crossing was fine, I don’t know if it was because we were going with the waves or they were just smaller.  Once we got to Dumagete we took a jeepney to the center of the city and walked to the bank.  The next stop was a restaurant that had a large bbq with pork and chicken.  The pork was trussed together and stuffed with lemon grass and black pepper and other spices, it was quite possible (probably) the best pork I have ever had in my life.  Isabel had the chicken and it too was awesome.  When we got back to the fast craft terminal there was a large crowd and they were not selling tickets until the ferry that was at the dock left.   Once the ferry left they started selling tickets and we were looking at another hour wait until our ferry left.  While we were in line Evy looked at the large car ferry at the next dock and noticed that it seemed to be loading.  We finished purchasing our tickets to the fast craft then rushed next door to discover that the car ferry was about to sail.  We purchased tickets and got on board where we had an enjoyable and smooth crossing due to the large size of the ship.  We did throw 4 tickets to the fast craft in the garbage but it was only 204 php (about 6 CAD).  We made it back to the house about ½ hour before sunset so David and I went snorkeling.  The water was a bit murky due to the waves and the highlight of the dive was a lion fish.

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