Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Day 210 Mar 2 2015 Cebu City Philippines

family shower

enjoying the pools

woo hoo

level 5 of the falls

eco shower

a rough day at the office

Day 210  Mar 2  2015  Cebu City  Philippines

We started the day with a trip to the beautiful Aguinid Falls which has 5 different levels, some beautiful scenery, rock formations and some cool pools you can jump into.  The trip involved climbing right up the falls with the water cascading down on you.  We had two “technical guides” as does every group that makes the trek.  They were excellent in helping the kids and Evy when she did not want to go back down a water fall that she had climbed.  In her defense they were high; I thought for a while that she was going to spend the night there.  It was a lot of fun to walk the river, climb the falls, pass behind the falls and swim in the little pools.  We got back to the house at 12:30, packed and got in the truck for the 4 1/2 hour trip to Cebu City.  It was a much more enjoyable drive in the day light.  At the hotel I checked my e-mail to find a message from Airbnb that they had credited my visa for the full amount of the rental in Santander.  We ended up with 6 nights accommodation free which covers the cost of changing our plane tickets to leave the Philippines earlier. 

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