Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Day 238 Mar 30 2015 Ciudad Real Spain

climbing the stairs to the observation platform

view from the top

olive tree

Day 238  Mar 30  2015  Ciudad Real  Spain

The first activity of the day was to climb the many steps to access the observation platform that overlooked the town of Cambil.  The view was good as you could see the entire town, the olive orchards that surrounded the town as well as the small mountains in the background.  We then drove to Ciudad Real to visit Evy's friend.  At the hotel Evy checked her email only to discover that her friend had an emergency and had to stay in Madriad and would not be back in Ciudad Real until Wednesday.   Evy wanted to eat Paella in Spain for her birthday but it did not go well.  In Spain it seems most restaurants open from 12 noon till 4:30 or 5 and may or may not open for the evening.  If they open for the evening it is typically from 8 pm till 11 pm.  We also discovered that a lot of the places that do serve paella only make it on Sunday.  We ended up eating sandwiches in the hotel room and then going to the pool for an hour.

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