Sunday, March 22, 2015

Day 230 Mar 22 2015 Bayonne France

Walking around a park in France

Walking trails by Prieure De Cayac

Statue at Prieure De Cayac

how do we turn on the heat?
beach treasures in Saint Julien en Born

Day 230  Mar 22  2015  Bayonne  France

We drove the back roads between Bordeaux and Bayonne passing along the Compostella route for a good portion of the day.  We stopped for a walk at Prieure De Cayac which is a church and hospital built somewhere around 1210 to serve the people on pilgrimage to Saint Jacques de Compostela.  We had a picnic lunch at La chapelle Saint Roch du Muret, one of the old churches that served the pilgrims that walked the route.  David started eating but his tooth hurt so we decided to pull it out ( it was ready).  As I was tying a piece of dental floss around it David asked me if I was going to pull it.  I said we would tie it to the car door and he could slam the door.  As soon as I got it tied I yanked the string and pulled the tooth out.  David was relieved to have the tooth out and had no more problems eating. We stopped for a walk along the sea side in Saint Julien En Born, it was cold and windy but still pretty.  Our original plan was to drive to Pamplona Spain but we decided it was stupid to drive in the dark and not see the country, so we got a hotel in Boyonne.

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