Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Day 212 Mar 4 2015 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

leaving the ferry in Manila

Day 212  Mar 4  2015  Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

The sailing was very smooth and we all slept well in the bunks. We woke the kids up at 8:30 and got ready to leave the ship when it docked at 10 am.  It was hard to find a taxi at the terminal and we ended up paying more than double the meter rate to get to the airport.  We arrived at the airport at 11:30 only to find out that the terminal did not open until 1 pm.  The waiting area is outside across the street from the terminal.  When we got into the terminal we discovered the worst international terminal we have been in.  The only food and beverage available was a stand by Air Asia where you could buy a few snacks and drinks.  On the other side of the glass wall was the domestic terminal which was full of shops selling food.  The flight to KL boarded on time but we waited almost a full hour on the runway.  Once we got airborne the flight was nice and smooth.  When we arrived in Kuala Lumpur, I checked my e-mail and discovered that Airbnb had sent us a voucher for 300 USD “for all the inconvenience caused”.  That was a nice and unexpected surprise.  We purchased some groceries at the grocery store in the KL airport then took a taxi to our hotel and crashed for the night. 

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