Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 309 June 10 2015 to Day 314 June 15 2015 Kincardine Ontario

Day 309  June 10 2015 to Day 314  June 15 2015   Kincardine Ontario

These days were spent getting the truck and trailer ready for the trip out west.  I had to replace the doughnut between the manifold and the Y  pipe plus all the regular maintenance on the truck.  I put the camper back in service and checked one of the wheel bearings to make sure that it looked OK.  Evy did our income tax and we were both hoping that we would get a refund instead of having to pay our share of tax plus interest.  We are getting a refund of over $12000 so that was a nice surprise.  I was not going to put the basement in-floor heat back into service but it was so cool that I flushed the antifreeze out of it and got the heat back on.  I was thrilled that we needed to heat the house in the middle of June.  We registered the kids for the before school program and hockey camp.  Isabel had a doctor’s appointment.  After our experience in Cambodia we are much more appreciative of the high training standards in Canada.  Evy unpacked our suitcases from the trip, which for some reason is never as much fun as packing to start a trip.  Isabel’s friend had her birthday party 10 days early so Isabel could be there.  It was very nice of her and her parents to do that.  One of the things that Evy and I noticed when we arrived home is that we are past due to de-clutter our house.  After living out of 4 suitcases for 8 months (one was full of snorkeling gear and a life jacket) you realize that the things you keep in case you need them one day are just taking space and collecting dust.   

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