Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 339 July 9 2015 Bow River Campground Alberta

Day 339  July 9 2015   Bow River Campground  Alberta

We drove from Jasper to 30 km past Canmore Alberta and encountered a couple of hills that forced me to shift into 1rst gear to make it up them.  We stopped at the bottom of one of the larger hills to look at a waterfall coming down the mountain.  As I was walking past the camper I noticed that we had lost a dust cap on the rear right wheel.  The wheel did not feel very hot so we kept going.    We stopped at a campground between Saskatchewan Crossing and Lake Louise for a lunch of tacos.  While we were cooking the kids tried panning for gold and playing in the creek.  The next stop was at the Lake Louise Visitor Center where Isabel collected her Banff tag for the Junior Explore program.   When we arrived at the Bow River Campground I jacked up the wheel and confirmed that we had a bad wheel bearing.  We returned the 30 km to Canmore and bought 4 different size bearing kits hoping one would fit.  One kit had the proper outer bearing but not the inner bearing.  I changed the outer bearing and repacked the hub, the inner bearing rolled smooth so I don’t think there is any damage on it.  We will keep an eye on it and should be able to make it home before I have to do anymore work on the wheel.  

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