Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 348 to Day 353 July 19 2015 to July 24 2015 Kenora Ontario

bringing back the monocle 

a nice pic of the kids

going as slow as a turtle 

The grand parents place in the background 

More water fun at Island Lake

Isabel new favorite pass time in Kenora

fishing with Fred Galbraith

taking Grandma for  a ride around the lake

waiting for the tow rope

spending time with the kids

Isabel Ulak the 1rst (AKA Grandma)

Isabel's first time behind a boat

enjoying the sunny day

trying to convince me to pull her behind the paddle boat

fighting over who gets the turtle 

in the water again

at the minnow pond

another selfie of me heading to the fishing hole

heading down the lake for some early morning fishing

Jack Berry

playing in the lake

passing the time playing a board game

roasting marshmallows with friends from Sault Ste. Marie

playing on the beach at Grandma's

on the dock

Super Isabel

washing the salt out of the garage

caught with my defenses down

having a water gun fight

Day 348 to Day 353  July 19 2015 to July 24 2015   Kenora Ontario

During the time in Kenora I did a few jobs around the camp and moved a few things into my mom’s apartment.  We would pick my dad up from Pine Crest on a daily basis and take him back around 8 pm in the evening.   There were a few trips to the beaver pond to empty the minnow trap and to re-bait it with cat food.  On the Sunday we went to a friend’s church for birthday cake and lunch.  One of the days I got out the fire pump and flooded the garage floor with water to get rid of the accumulated salt from the winter.  Since I had the fire pump going I had a “water gun” fight with David and his super soaker; needless to say, I won.  I would wake up just before 6 am and go fishing by myself as nobody in the family wanted to get up that early. I would be back with my limit of Pickerel in less than an hour.  It is really beautiful on the lake in the morning.  I did have a fishing partner one morning when Fred Galbraith came with me. We introduced the kids to getting pulled behind the boat on a board and they loved it.  Jack and Rose dropped in with their kids so we managed to go through quite a few bags of marshmallows, chocolate bars and graham wafers making smores, it was fun.  I did agree to get a Labrador puppy when we get back to Kincardine.  I hope I don’t live to regret that decision.

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