Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 347 July 18 2015 Kenora Ontario

on the quad again

 just had a good root bear burp!

Isabel's first time driving the quad!

the supervision!

Day 347  July 18 2015   Kenora Ontario

I was going to the cabin to get some life jackets and noticed that a few boards of the landing felt soft.  I gave a little jump and fell through the deck.  I spent a few hours repairing the landing in the afternoon.   Isabel drove the quad for first time today.  It was a little nerve racking for me as she is still to small to pull the brakes properly combined with the fact that she likes speed and  is a dare devil.  The one that flipped the quad was David. He came back from the quad trail walking looking for me to help.  When I got to the quad it was upside down laying on its handle bars.  I flipped it over, cleaned some mud from the controls and started it up.  The other activities of the day included putting the boat in the water, setting a minnow trap and swimming.

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