Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 344 July 14 2015 Oyen Alberta

where we stopped for supper on the way to Oyen

a selfie on the way to the bone bed

walking into the bone bed

the bone bed 

Day 344  July 14 2015   Oyen  Alberta

We took it easy in the morning relaxing in the park and the kids played in the nearby river.  David caught a garter snake and brought it into the camper to show his mom.  When he walked into the camper he announced “snake in the camper” which was followed by Evy not so calmly saying “get it out, get it out, get it out now!”.  There were quite a few rattle snakes in the area so I was hoping that David would be careful and not grab one by mistake.   We went on a guided tour to a bone bed at 1:30 pm.  The tour was interesting as the guide explained how the region was formed and why there are so many fossils there.  Once we reached the bone bed which is a deposit of bones from hundreds of different dinosaurs we had an opportunity to explore the area.  The scenery of the badlands is very pretty and was well worth the effort it took to drive there.  We left the park and headed 2 hours towards Oyen where we camped for the night.

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