Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day 208 Feb 28 2015 Santander Philippines

Lilo-an ferry terminal on Cebu Island

Riding the jeepney to Dumaguete City on Negros Island

Belfry in Dumaguete

self explanatory

catching the ferry back to Cebu Island

Day 208  Feb 28 2015  Santander Philippines

Today we went to the neighboring island of Negros.  It is about a 20 minute ride across on the ferry.  The ride to Negros was a bit rough but not bad, the ride back was rough.  Isabel started to feel sick and the front of the boat was bouncing up and smashing back down.  On Negros we went to the city of Dumaguete where we had a late lunch and walked down the boardwalk.  We also went to see the belfry which was built in 1811.  It was build to warn the inhabitants of Muslim marauders who would come in search of slaves.  We made sure we were back at  the house before dark as we had no desire to take a tricycle down the highway at night, many of them do not even have lights.  We spent a fair bit of time planning the next step of our trip as our plans have now changed; we just don’t know to what.

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