Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 278 May 10 2015 Mopani Rest Camp Kruger National Park South Africa

stopping for a snack

at the Tropic of Capricorn

we could not get him to stop reading the book

once again Evy is suitably dressed for a hike!

showing some atttitude

the start of a tradition

Day 278  May 10 2015 Mopani Rest Camp Kruger National Park  South Africa

We saw many elephants, giraffes, buffalo and impalas on our drive from Bateleur to Mopani.  We also saw our first hippos, water monitor and crocodiles close to Bateleur rest camp.  Later in the day we had to drive by a fairly large herd of elephants that were crossing the road.  I got a little to close to the elephants as we were waiting for them to cross and a big one towards the back of the pack swung toward the car and looked like he was about to charge.  I quickly backed up and he turned and continued on his way.  The threat of being charged by an elephant that towered over the Nissan x-trail got everybody’s adrenalin pumping.  During the day I looked at the right rear tire and discovered that it has a plug in the sidewall.  The rear right tire has a slow leak and the left rear tire is bald.  I am really hoping we do not get a blow out when we are traveling down the highway at 120 km/h as patching a side wall is not safe.  I wish we had noticed the tire problems when we checked the car.    In the evening the kids went swimming in the pool and Evy and I did laundry.

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