Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 279 May 11 2015 Olifants Rest Camp Kruger National Park South Africa

enjoying the view from our outdoor kitchen at Olifants

horn bills

a couple of blue wildebeests

herd of elephants going for a drink

on the bridge over a river

one of the many small giraffe that we saw

Day 279  May 11 2015 Olifants Rest Camp  Kruger National Park  South Africa

We saw many animals today including many elephants and buffalo.  The new animal we saw today were tsessebes.  We also saw 4 southern ground hornbills.   We got to Olifants about 5:10 pm which did not give much time to spare as the gates to the camp close at 5:30 and you get fined if you are late.  The cottage we rented has a great view overlooking a river.  We should be able to see animals from our kitchen in the daylight.

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