Sunday, May 24, 2015

Day 289 May 21 2015 St. Lucia South Africa

if you get eaten or beaten it is your own problem

Makes you want to go swimming! Doesn't it?

the currents were extreme 

running for snacks

the supervisor and the construction crew hard at work

taking a rest after an marathon digging session 

Day 289  May 21 2015  St. Lucia  South Africa

We started the day at 7 am as there was a scheduled power outage for 8 to 10:30 am.  By 8 am we had our coffee ready and breakfast eaten.  We drove up the St. Lucia Estuary to Cape Vidal and saw a few animals on the way including a new species of monkey a blind snake and the highlight of the day female leopard with 2 cubs.  The sighting of the leopard cubs completes the baby 5 as we saw lion cubs, rhino, elephant and buffalo calves when we were in Kruger.  We were very fortunate to see the big 5 let alone the baby 5 on our trip to South Africa.  Once we got to Cape Vidal I went snorkeling by myself as it was way to rough for the kids to be safe.  The kids spent the day playing in the sand digging holes and trying to catch creatures in the tide pools.  Evy stuck her foot into the Indian Ocean and stated that it was as cold as Lake Huron; the kids and I all laughed at that.  I think that Evy has forgotten what cold weather and water is like.   On the way to the hotel David bought a stone rhino and Isabel bought a wood lion.  The carvings are the first souvenirs that we have purchase since leaving South America.  It was a wonderful day for the beach as the temperature was 28 deg c; however the high wind speed made it seem much cooler.

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