Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 284 May 16 2015 Lower Sabie Rest Camp Kruger National Park South Africa

sunrise at Kruger

looking at more hippos 

the first lions we saw

at another view point near Lower Sabie

I can still carry him

If you get eaten it is your own fault

Day 284  May 16 2015  Lower Sabie Rest Camp  Kruger National Park  South Africa

We were out the gate at 6 am and went for a 2 hour ride.  It was nice to see the sun rise over Kruger.  We saw our first lions of the trip.  We came across a pride of 8 female lions and 2 cubs.  We have been very fortunate and have seen the “big 5” plus many other animals and birds.  On the drive in the morning we also saw 2 eagle owls, several rhinos, giraffe, buffalo, hippos, crocodiles, wart hogs, impalas and zebras.  We also saw another new animal, a slender mongoose. 

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