Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 282 May 14 2015 Satara Rest Camp Kruger National Park South Africa

one of our lunch time visitors
a stop for lunch near Satara

just another giraffe

just another warthog

just another elephant

just another tourist

Day 282  May 14 2015  Satara Rest Camp  Kruger National Park  South Africa

The temperature reached 38 deg C today; we were very happy we had air conditioning in the car.  On the drive from Orpen to Satara we saw many elephants, giraffes, buffalo, zebra, impala and a troop of baboons.  When we stopped at a picnic spot we saw a few dwarf mongooses.   Once we reached Satara we signed up for another 3 hour sunset drive which left camp at 4:30 pm.  On the drive we very lucky and saw 2 cheetahs and a leopard while it was still daylight.  The first cheetah was fairly far away but the second one was only 20 meters away from us and sitting down watching.  The leopard crossed behind the truck did not seem in a rush to go anywhere so we got a good look at it as well.  Once we got the spot lights out we saw 2 civet cats, an african wild cat, 2 spotted hyena one of which was using a culvert for a den and was lying down at its mouth only a few feet from the truck.  We also saw giraffe, zebra, buffalo, blue wildebeest, warthog, waterbuck, elephant and a few other animals.  It was a great drive.

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