Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 281 May 13 2015 Orpen Rest Camp Kruger National Park South Africa

A kodak moment

outdoor kitchen at Olifants

reading and waiting for animals at Olifants

at a view point close to Orpen

from this to fighting in 2 seconds

getting ready to enjoy a glass of  Amarula at Orpen

Day 281  May 13 2015  Orpen Rest Camp  Kruger National Park  South Africa

I got up at 6 am and sat on the outdoor couch drinking coffee and watching the animals coming to drink at the river.  I saw a pack of elephants, zebras, bush bucks, a hippo, and some beautiful birds; it was a very nice start to the day.    We drove to Orpen taking mainly the gravel roads and going slow arriving at 2:30 pm.  On the way to the camp we saw may impala, giraffes, kudu, elephants, buffalo, crocodiles as well as a troop of baboons that were all around our car.   We went out for a drive at 4 pm and saw the standard animals as well as 8 dwarf mongooses.  The new animal of the day was a tree iguana.

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