Sunday, May 24, 2015

Day 290 May 22 2015 Margate South Africa

hippos invade the town at night of St. Lucia every night

getting ready to spray his sister

so this is where goats milk comes from

part of the coast in Margate

anyone for a moon light skinny dipping?

talent on the beach in Margate

Day 290  May 22 2015  Margate  South Africa

We drove from St. Lucia to Margate today with a stop at the cheese farm as the Kids wanted to milk the goats.  When it was David’s turn he sprayed Isabel with milk, I am pretty sure that was why he wanted to milk the goat in the first place.  The tour also included the cheese factory where the guide explained how to make cheese.  I told him he should start selling cheese curds in the shop and poutine in their restaurant.  He was going to look it up on the internet when we were leaving.  If cheese curds are popular around the St. Lucia area in a few years it will be because we told a South African cheese maker of glorious poutine.  When we got to the hotel the kids stayed and watched TV as they have been TV deprived.  Evy and I went for a walk to the beach.  Many of the beaches in South Africa have shark nets to protect the swimmers, I guess there must have been a fair number of shark attacks in the past. 

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