Saturday, February 7, 2015

Day 186 Feb 6 2015 Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam

Saigon Central Post Office

Independance Palace

enjoying a ice cream/whip cream filled coconut

more lights for the 40 anniversary of the southern liberation day

Day 186  Feb 6  2015  Ho Chi Minh City  Vietnam

We started the day by picking up our laundry.  It was the first time in many weeks that the clothes actually smelled clean when we picked them up from the laundry.  The last time somebody wash our clothes properly was in Argentina.  Since Argentina when we got the laundry back you could still smell armpit sweat or they just did not look clean.   In Khoa Sok we were not even sure if they had washed half the laundry as some of it smelled like it had when we dropped it off.  Most of the time the clothes would be fairly damp and we would have clothes strewn across ever available surface in the places we were staying.   Evy was actually excited that the laundry smelled like clean laundry should.   We walked to the Independence Palace and spent a few hours walking around the grounds and the palace which used to be the home and office of the president of South Vietnam.  The palace was the site of the end of the Vietnam War during the fall of Saigon in 1975 when a North Vietnamese Army tank crashed through the gates.  There was no lack of propaganda on how the evil US was defeated.  We finished the day by going to the movies to see the new Sponge Bob movie, Isabel and David enjoyed it.

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