Friday, February 27, 2015

Day 205 Feb 26 2015 Santander Philippines

are you sure you want to do this?

getting ready for a tricycle ride down the highway 

swimming in front of the rental house

best entertainment in a while

Day 205  Feb 26 2015  Santander Philippines

I started the day by going snorkeling in front of the house, there were lots of nice corals, anemones, and small colorful fish.  I had to be careful not to get hit by a ferry as they pass very close to the house.    We decided to go to the grocery store in the afternoon.  When we tried to lock the screen door on the house (the glass door lock is broken) the frame rail pulled away from the house.  We had to leave everything unlocked.   We took a tricycle to the town of Santander which is just over 9 km away.  Evy and one of the kids rode in front I rode in the back with the other.  It was scary when a large truck or bus would catch us and then pass.  They did not slow down at all just honked the horn and pulled over to pass.  When we got back the kids played with the puppies for a while then went swimming.  After supper the kids did some homework.  We still have not heard anything from Airbnb but are still hopeful that we can get out of here early.

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