Saturday, February 14, 2015

Day 194 Feb 14 2015 Siem Reap Cambodia

anybody want a nice juicy snack of .................SPIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hotel pool in Siem Reap

Day 194  Feb 14 2015 Siem Reap Cambodia

We hired a car and driver to take us from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap, a distance of 320 km.  The trip cost us $70 usd and took 8 hours including 2 stops.  The first stop was at a market that the taxi driver said was for Asian tourists.  The vendors were selling cooked bugs and spiders and other delightful looking snacks as well as fresh fruits.  The second stop was at a restaurant for lunch, when I was leaving the WC I saw the driver getting some money for taking us to the restaurant. It is a common practice here and we did not mind at all, as the food was good and the restaurant was clean.  The driver told us he gets paid $150 usd per month by the company he drives for.  He drives the same rough road every day, sometimes one way and occasionally it is a round trip. When he stays in Siem Reap which is 3 or 4 times a week he sleeps in the car as a hotel is too expensive.  It is this kind of conversation that makes me realize just how fortunate we are to live in Canada and to have the job and benefits that we do.  When we got to the hotel Evy and I went for a short walk to find a laundry and a store where we could buy a few supplies.  

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