Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 202 Feb 22 2015 Manila Philippines

Arriving at the Enchanted Kingdom


EKstreme Tower

Air Race

End of the day

Day 202  Feb 22 2015  Manila Philippines

This was a day for the kids as we spent it at the Enchanted Kingdom about 50 km from the apartment.  Getting to the park was easy as we took the MRT to a shuttle pick up point and took the shuttle to the park.  Isabel was so excited when she found out that she could go on any rides that she was bouncing up and down.  At one of the rides she was measured by the attendant to make sure she was tall enough.  You could see Isabel growing on the measuring stick as she started to lift her heals to make sure she would meet the height requirement.  The attendant almost burst out laughing at Isabel’s unnecessary but obvious attempt to cheat the system.  Towards evening we decided to take the 9:30 shuttle back to Manila only to be told that it was booked solid.  We asked customer service how we could get back to Manila and were told to take a tricycle to Waltermart, walk across the street, flag a bus going to MRT or Ayala.  The tricycle is a motorbike with a side car designed for 1 ½ people.  Isabel, David and Evy sat in the side car and I sat on the back of the motorcycle.  Apparently I was supposed to sit side-saddle as when the driver jumped on the kick starter he crushed my toes under his foot.  The tuk-tuks in other countries are much more comfortable than the tricycles here.  When we got to Waltermart we were asking directions on where to catch the bus.  An American gentleman approached us and offered us advice on catching the bus.  He recommended that we take a tricycle to the bus station and catch the bus there as by the time the bus got to Waltermart it would only be standing room.  We took his advice and had a very easy trip to the MRT station in Manila and to the apartment.

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