Saturday, February 14, 2015

Day 193 Feb 13 2015 Phnom Penh Cambodia

cool restaurant in Phnom Penh

Royal Palace

Probably a good thing I am not in this country anymore

model of Angkor Wat at the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh

Day 193  Feb 13  2015  Phnom Penh Cambodia

The first place we visited was the Royal Phnom Penh Hospital where we had a doctor look at a sore on David’s posterior.  He had a sore that started as a bug bite about 2 weeks earlier and grew to an open sore about 3 X 3 inches.  It was not showing signs of improving so to the doctor we went and with a cream we left.  When we were searching the internet for doctors we started to get worried.  One of the articles we read was about how in 2008 prospective medical students took to the streets.  They were protesting because the University of Medicine in Phnom Penh refused to admit any student with a score of less the 50% on their entrance exams.  After the protests the University recanted and admitted anybody that had 25% or better.   Other articles were about doctors buying their credentials, not having any or as nurses posing as doctors.  We contacted our insurance company and went with their referral which seemed to be good.  The Royal Phnom Penh Hospital must only cater to foreign tourists or rich Cambodians as there were very few patients evident in a very new hospital.  Our visit only cost $36 USD and included the cream, it will be a few days before we see if it works.  The other place we visited was the Royal Palace.  Evy enjoyed the visit; however the kids and I were not overwhelmed by the experience.  They did have a nice fish pond with a cool model of Angkor Wat in the center. 

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