Thursday, April 2, 2015

Day 240 April 1 2015 Barcelona Spain

finally eating paella in Spain

Day 240  April 1  2015  Barcelona  Spain

We drove from Casa de los Pinos to Barcelona Spain with a stop in Valencia for paella.  We ate at a restaurant in the center of the city and the food was OK but not fantastic. We had booked a hostal to stay at in Barcelona.  The hostal had good reviews and we had reserved a room with two bunk  beds and a private bathroom.  When we got to our room there were 4 very short cots set up in what looked like common room.  The door to the room did not even have a number on it and there was no bathroom.  We imediatly returned to reception only to be told that there was a problem and they did not have the room available.  We got our money back and found a nice apartment hotel complete with a washing  machine 1 block from Plaza Espana for the same money.  We did have to pay an extra 15 euros for parking a night but it was well worth it.

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