Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Day 244 April 5 2015 Padua Italy

The Easter Bunny strikes again

Day 244  April 5  2015  Padua Italy

When we woke up we discovered that the Easter Bunny had tracked us down in Milan and left a bunch of chocolate in the room.  Once we got going we drove from Milan to Padua.  When we got to Padua we discovered we could only check into the hotel after 4 pm as it was Sunday.  Since we had 2 hours to kill we went to the train station to buy tickets to Venice.  We returned to the hotel at 4 but the reception was still not open and the door to the building was locked.  When another client opened the door we followed him into the building.  After looking over the reception desk we discovered a key card to our room.  I pulled myself over the desk enough to be able to grab the card.  We then went to the room and started to move ourselves in.  When we were going to the car for some luggage we found that the reception was open so we got check in officially. 

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