Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Day 252 April 13 2015 Rome Italy

Roman Colosseum

overlooking the Roman Form
ancient fountain 

enjoying lunch outside the Colosseum

inside the Pantheon

Plaza Navona 

Day 252  April 13  2015  Rome Italy

We started the day at the Colosseum where we admired the ruins.  It was one of the sites in the world that I have wanted to see for many years and I am glad we made it.  Once we left the Colosseum we walked around the many ruins at the Paltatino Hill.  The palace that once stood there must have been breath taking.  The third site we visited was the Fountain of Trevi only to find it drained of water and under restoration.  We then walked from the fountain to the Pantheon followed by a visit to Piazza Navona.  We then decide to call it quits for the day; however as we were walking to the bus stop we passed a gladiator weapons museum and decide to check it out.  It was interesting as it showcased the evolution of helmets and swords over time.           

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