Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Day 258 April 19 2015 Pyrgos Greece

arriving in Patras Greece

in front of hotel

Isabel in getting braver 

playing ball near at the hotel

enjoying supper and the view

Day 258  April 19  2015  Pyrgos Greece

Everybody slept well and we were all awake by 9 am.  Since we had brought the kettle with us I made coffee for Evy and me.  We had a relaxing morning including a nice hot shower and breakfast in our cabin.  I went through the latest pictures deleting the bad ones and labeling the ones worth keeping.  I also updated the word document for the blog so the next time we have decent internet I can update the blog.  We got off the ferry at 2 pm and drove the 2 hours to our apartment hotel.  Since we did not know what was the street name and what was the town name in the address our first attempt at finding the hotel ended up with us in front of a bakery.  Isabel was desperate to go to the bathroom so Evy took Isabel to the bakery and when they came out Evy had some pastries.  We then searched for the hotel for an hour, found it and checked in.  The first thing we did once we got into the room was to eat the pastry.  We were back at the bakery within an hour buying more stuff.  It is without a doubt the best bakery we have encountered on the sabbatical and possibly the best I have ever been in. On the way back to the hotel we bought groceries to make supper and ate it overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

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