Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Day 254 April 15 2015 Agerola Italy

appetizers in a really good restaurant next to the hotel

pointing to the hotel entrance

narrow 2 way street to our hotel 

Day 254  April 15  2015  Agerola Italy

We drove from Rome to Agerola Italy with a stop at the Apple store in Napels.  Isabel decided she wanted to upgrade her tablet to one with more memory.  We were a few km away from the apartment in Rome when I remembered that I did not have the majority of my credit cards or ID.  I had taken most of the cards out of my wallet as Rome is rampant with pickpockets and I felt that it was safer to leave them in the dresser. The person whom had rented the apartment before us had his wallet stolen.  I also know another person who got a thank you card from a pick pocket in Rome for having had so much money in his wallet.  We were lucky as the owner was still in the apartment cleaning it when we got back and I was able to retrieve my cards. The GPS had us get off the main highway to go to our hotel.  It turned into driving down the worst roads we have been on since leaving Canada.  They were not bumpy that would have been ok.  They were extremely narrow and steep with no way to turn around and high walls on both sides .  We were considering greasing the mirrors so we could fit through and were extremely fortunate that we did not meet body coming from the other direction or one of us would have had to back up.  After a few km on the interesting roads we ended up back on the same highway that the GPS had us get off of.  

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