Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Day 249 April 10 2015 Vinci Italy

enjoying gelato in Italy again

The copy of the David statue in its  original location

Ponte Vecchio which Evy fail to inform me it was full of jewelry shops!
Some people have a lot of talent

Day 249  April 10  2015  Vinci Italy

We drove to Florence and toured the city center.  We walked to the Piazza del Duomo and admired the cathedral and bell tower.  We then walked to the Ponte Vecchio where Evy and Isabel checked out the jewelry shops.  The next stop was at the Museum of Archeology where we spent several hours looking at the collection.  The last touristic stop of the day was to be the Fortezz da Basso.  We thought that it was an old fort that we could tour, only to discover that it is a conference center with nothing interesting to see.  Isabel decided that she wanted to put her savings into an iPad so we returned to the mall and she purchased her new iPad mini 2.  I hope it lasts longer then the last 2 tablets she has had.  The first one was a Samsung galaxy tab 3 that lasted until 10 months before the charging port stopped working.  We then got her an Asus and it lasted 5 months until its charging port stopped working.  

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